Değerli Meslektaşlarımız,
Epos kongresi sırasında düzenlenecek koşunun geliri depremden etkilenen çocuklar için bağışlanacaktır. Detaylı bilgi aşağıda bilgilerinize sunulmuştur.
Natural disasters including earthquakes, floods, severe storms, droughts, heatwaves are significant threats to the well-being of children and affect millions of children every year. Children are particularly a vulnerable population when exposed to natural disasters. Recently, two consecutive earthquakes which had very high magnitudes and caused a significant destruction, occurred in the city of Kahramanmaras, Turkey, on February 6 th , 2023. These two powerful earthquakes were considerably felt in the surrounding 9 cities in the Southeast of Turkey and in the residential areas of North Syria. Thousands of children were affected by this natural disaster and many children unfortunately passed away or were injured and parents of many children passed away. We will run/walk for children who have been affected by natural disasters. The money collected from this charity run/walk will be donated to the care of children who have been injured in the earthquake on February 6 th , 2023. We look forward to welcoming you to this social event.
Date: March 31 st , 2023 Friday at 6.20 am
Meeting Point: ICE Krakow Congress Center
Route: Along Vistula Boulevards
Distance: 3 km
Ticket: 50 EUR (pre-booking or onsite registration until March 30, 2023; credit card payment only available)
Haber Eklenme Tarihi:13 Mart 2023 Pazartesi Yayında geçen süre:2 yıl önce