Epos Webinar: Current Standards İn Ddh Screening


Saygıdeğer meslektaşlarımız,

31 Ağustos 2022 Çarşamba günü EPOS tarafından düzenlenen ve ülkemizden Prof. Dr. Hakan Ömeroğlu hocamızın da moderatör ve konuşmacı olduğu webinar ile ilgili bilgilendirme mesajı görseldeki gibidir. İlgi duyan tüm meslaktaşlarımızın katılımlarını bekliyoruz.

Çocuk Ortopedisi Derneği Yönetim Kurulu

''Dear EPOS Community Member,

We are happy to inform you that the registration for the next EPOS Webinar is NOW open. The topic of the webinar is: Current Standards in DDH Screening. The webinar will be held on Wednesday 31st of August at 18h00 Central European Time (CET).

Scientific Programme of the webinar is the following:

Moderator: Renata Pospischill  (Austria) and Hakan Omeroglu (Turkey)

◾Hip Sonography according to Graf 2022 – Standards, Techniques, Protocols by Renata Pospischill, Austria
◾US examination. When the best timing to screen newborns for DDH? by Maurizio De Pellegrin, Italy
◾Graf classification Type 2A: hip immaturity or early onset? by Blazej Pruszczynski, Poland
◾Graf classification Type 2A: to treat or not to treat? by Bettina Westhoff, Germany
◾Turkey – nationwide results of a general screening by Hakan Omeroglu, Turkey
◾Clinical, selective or general screening? What is the best? by Renata Pospischill, Austria

To register, please follow this link: 

You may ask questions from the faculty during the webinar by using the "Questions" function found in the control panel.


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Please remember to check your spam box as this email confirmation might have ended up there if you did not receive it directly in your inbox. View System Requirements: 


If you have any further questions concerning EPOS e-events and webinars, please do not hesitate to email courses@epos.org.

We look forward to meeting you virtually soon.

Kind regards on behalf of the EPOS webinar organizers,


Sanni Hiltunen | EPOS Education Manager

EPOS Central Office 
ZA La Pièce 2 | 1180 Rolle | Switzerland

Konu:EPOS Webinar: Current Standards in DDH Screening
Haber Eklenme Tarihi:17 Ağustos 2022 Çarşamba Yayında geçen süre:3 yıl önce
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